Set Me Free – Drama

Set Me Free – Drama

The Candelaria Drama Team is an awesome ministry! They reach youth with powerful messages by grabbing their attention with action-packed performances! It…

NEW Song’s NEW Season of Life

NEW Song’s NEW Season of Life

The sun is rising on New Song’s NEW SEASON, and has us filled with incredible hope! Hello and blessings to you from…

June 2019 Sports Ministry Update

June 2019 Sports Ministry Update

Hello all and happy summer! Our baseball league is in full swing and we have completed another set of Bible memory verses.…

2019 Sports Ministry Spring Update

2019 Sports Ministry Spring Update

Hello and blessings! Our fourth year of having a league got underway three weeks ago. This year we are blessed to have…

Little Sponges

Little Sponges

It is amazing how fast the school year comes around again. As you probably know or have read in past updates, the…

End of 2018

End of 2018

December means the end of the school year and graduations here in Nica! Students finished up their school year at the end…

2018 End of Year Sports Ministry Update

2018 End of Year Sports Ministry Update

This year was by far the most unique of the past four years. It has been extremely saddening to see how the…

It’s Looking Like Christmas

It’s Looking Like Christmas

This year, we decided to send out Christmas cards to all of our sponsors written by your sponsored students. Get excited! However,…

You Might Not Finish Reading This

You Might Not Finish Reading This

I couldn’t ask for a better team in sponsorship. They are examples to students who don’t have examples and they want something better…

Sports Ministry Update

Sports Ministry Update

Another season has come and gone. To be honest with you it can feel quite like the movie Groundhog’s Day here. You…