We hope all of you are doing well and you all are growing closer and closer to our Lord in these unusual times. We all know what the world really needs is a true relationship with Jesus the Christ. We wanted to give you all an update on what’s been going on in our sports ministry in Nicaragua.
As many of you know, a couple of years ago we changed our focus from having a baseball league with 100 plus kids to switching over to a training academy involving less kids that were more dedicated and that our staff could manage better. The goal would be to more effectively train and share God’s Word and truly put more effort into making disciples. This has turned out to be a great change and we are seeing a lot of fruit from it.
Fortunately, because of many of you who have supported the ministry financially, we were able to purchase a large truck to transport the kids to all of their games that are away from our home fields. This has been a huge blessing. We have some great ball players, and they are representing well!
The kids have also, been involved with service projects. This past year they were able to help deliver food to those in need which in many cases included their own families as well. As you know, this area of our world is very impoverished and the pandemic has added to that. So, as you can see, your support, prayers, our hardworking staff (Roger, Rosita, and Mario), and most of all God is allowing this ministry to continue to be a light to a dark world! As we continue to be His light, I wanted to share with you another project we are getting ready to start that we will need your help with.
Rough sketch of our building
We will be building an indoor batting facility to open up for our players in our academy and also for anyone else that might want to use it for training. Places like this, as we all know, are everywhere in our country and we pay to use them all of the time. There are none like this anywhere in Nicaragua and if there were, most kids would not be able to afford to use them. Our purpose, will be to help baseball players develop their skills but more importantly attract people to this facility to reach them for Jesus.
New artwork on all four dugouts
This facility will be approximately 50′ x 100′. It will include two hitting net tunnels, a training room, office, and bathroom. It will have Astroturf, and an Iron Mike pitching machine (holds 300 balls with remote control). It will be filled with all of the necessary balls and equipment. This is a large undertaking in an area like this. The total including the building, equipment, netting, machines and shipping of equipment will be in the $65,000 range with about $50,000 being allotted for the building.
In addition, we wanted to let you all know Stan is planning on making another trip to New Song in January 2022. Contact him about joining the team. And as always please continue to pray for the kids, staff, and families in Nicaragua!
BASEBALL: If you Build it, They Will Come
We hope all of you are doing well and you all are growing closer and closer to our Lord in these unusual times. We all know what the world really needs is a true relationship with Jesus the Christ. We wanted to give you all an update on what’s been going on in our sports ministry in Nicaragua.
As many of you know, a couple of years ago we changed our focus from having a baseball league with 100 plus kids to switching over to a training academy involving less kids that were more dedicated and that our staff could manage better. The goal would be to more effectively train and share God’s Word and truly put more effort into making disciples. This has turned out to be a great change and we are seeing a lot of fruit from it.
Currently we have at least one team in several age groups from ages 5-15. Their training and discipleship continue throughout the year. This past year we were fortunate to get connected with several Nicaraguan pro ball players to run several camps in their offseason. Several of them are very strong Christians and are great role models for the kids. A couple of those players were actually signed to pro contracts in the US this past winter. That was very cool. However, we have not just been training. Unlike before, when we only played within our own league, we now travel all over to play other teams.
Fortunately, because of many of you who have supported the ministry financially, we were able to purchase a large truck to transport the kids to all of their games that are away from our home fields. This has been a huge blessing. We have some great ball players, and they are representing well!
The kids have also, been involved with service projects. This past year they were able to help deliver food to those in need which in many cases included their own families as well. As you know, this area of our world is very impoverished and the pandemic has added to that. So, as you can see, your support, prayers, our hardworking staff (Roger, Rosita, and Mario), and most of all God is allowing this ministry to continue to be a light to a dark world! As we continue to be His light, I wanted to share with you another project we are getting ready to start that we will need your help with.
We will be building an indoor batting facility to open up for our players in our academy and also for anyone else that might want to use it for training. Places like this, as we all know, are everywhere in our country and we pay to use them all of the time. There are none like this anywhere in Nicaragua and if there were, most kids would not be able to afford to use them. Our purpose, will be to help baseball players develop their skills but more importantly attract people to this facility to reach them for Jesus.
This facility will be approximately 50′ x 100′. It will include two hitting net tunnels, a training room, office, and bathroom. It will have Astroturf, and an Iron Mike pitching machine (holds 300 balls with remote control). It will be filled with all of the necessary balls and equipment. This is a large undertaking in an area like this. The total including the building, equipment, netting, machines and shipping of equipment will be in the $65,000 range with about $50,000 being allotted for the building.
If any of you can help with donations with this, you can email Stan Dobner or call him about the best way to contribute. We are trying to get this project started before the end of this calendar year.
In addition, we wanted to let you all know Stan is planning on making another trip to New Song in January 2022. Contact him about joining the team. And as always please continue to pray for the kids, staff, and families in Nicaragua!
Stan Dobner
[email protected]