Sponsor Communication

Sponsor Communication

Our students love to receive letters from their sponsors! It’s one of the best things about sponsorship. Without Limits strives to empower…

Jean Carlos Walks!

Jean Carlos Walks!

Jean-Carlos is a 12 year old boy who lives with his older brother and single mother, Marcia.  In March, he was helping…

30 Day Challenge

30 Day Challenge

A Call to Action $30,000 in 30 days to expand New Song’s impact New Song Mission Nicaragua is God’s love and grace…

Seasons Are Changing

Seasons Are Changing

As many of you know, Lisa and I (Cadence) have been running the student sponsorship program together for the last 4 and…

Esperanza Rising

Esperanza Rising

As I sit around this wooden table surrounded by these precious faces, I stand amazed at their bravery, compassion, and capacity for…

Spring 2017 Mission Update

Spring 2017 Mission Update

The fire of love stops at nothing— it sweeps everything before it. Flood waters can’t drown love, torrents of rain can’t put…

A Field Trip Up In The Mountains

A Field Trip Up In The Mountains

Everyone was so excited about the 4th and 5th year field trip. The students spent all day the day before getting ready…

Volcano Adventure!

Volcano Adventure!

Without Limits has continued to take field trips with all of our sponsored students in 6th grade-5th year of high school. Recently…

Exploring Leon

Exploring Leon

After our first field trip of the year, we were able to make two additional trips to do the history of Leon…

Spring 2017 Sports Ministry Update

Spring 2017 Sports Ministry Update

  Quite a bit has transpired since our last update. We have almost completed our first of two seasons and we ended…