The fire of love stops at nothing—
it sweeps everything before it.
Flood waters can’t drown love,
torrents of rain can’t put it out
New Song Mission Nicaragua is full of fire & life, and we wanted to fill you in on some of the exciting work being done by the Love of God. Leadership is being raised and empowered. Youth are being baptized. Children and adults in rural villages are receiving healthcare. Students are taking field trips and reaching new heights. Baseball teams are winning and celebrating championships. Moringo is being planted and harvested, and many are learning and living its benefits. The rains are truly bringing NEW LIFE!
A few Sundays ago, we celebrated the baptisms of 9 of our youth. They are incredible and have so much to offer. God is moving powerfully in their lives and we are so proud of their decisions to seek after Him.
“You are all sons of God through faith in Christ Jesus, for all you who were baptized into Christ have clothed yourselves with Christ.”-Galatians 3:26-27
Our moringa seeds have been harvested and are ready to make capsules

Pastors Walter and Daniel have an incredible gift of leadership. We are so blessed to have them serving with us. We have seen them and their wives take on new leadership roles with open arms. Lord continue to bless them with health, strength, wisdom, and fruit.

Emil is reaching out to each community church with a heart to strengthen marriages and families. In the first week, the pastors and over 15 couples were encouraged in 3 churches.

Without Limits had an amazing time on our field trip to Matagalpa with our students in their 4th and 5th years of high school. We went on adventures, learned about sustainable farming and coffee and ice cream production, worshipped together, and helped them set goals for their futures as they prepare for high school graduation. We are so proud of this incredible group of students!

Congratulations to the three champions of our little league: the Marlins of Candelaria, the Diamondbacks of Cuitanca, and the Blue Jays of Candelaria! They all worked hard throughout the season and will have a well earned rest before getting back to it in July!
New Song’s mighty moringa team is busy beginning a new year of intensive leaf production. The tractor came and turned under the bean crop as the workers finished harvesting the new seeds.
This week we sent Charlie off with prayers of love and protection. He has become a great leader and resource for our pastors and ministry as a whole. We miss him already, and look forward to having him back in July.

Dra. López and our mobile medical team travel to rural communities twice a month to give 35 children medical care and medicine. It is such a blessing to partner with love!

Mario has coached the oldest team in Candelaria, 12 and 13 year olds, for the past two years. During that time he has gone to the capital city of Managua (3 hours away) to receive dialysis every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday while giving practices on Tuesdays and Thursdays and coaching the games on Saturdays. Thank you for your heart to serve and impact the lives of these young men while being an example of perseverance and overcoming difficult circumstances! It was because of days like these in January that led to a day like this in May!

Our sponsorship program, Without Limits, has taken two more field trips. Now all of our 6th and 7th graders from all four communities have had the opportunity to explore Leon and learn about its history.

We loved celebrating the death and resurrection of Christ together with all of our churches on Easter Sunday.
The youth prepared and shared a powerful drama during the service.
Praise be to the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ! In His great mercy He has given us a new birth into a LIVING HOPE through the resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead. -1 Peter 1:3
New Song Mission Nicaragua
Impacting Nicaragua by teaching grace and the New Covenant.
Spring 2017 Mission Update
The fire of love stops at nothing—
it sweeps everything before it.
Flood waters can’t drown love,
torrents of rain can’t put it out
New Song Mission Nicaragua is full of fire & life, and we wanted to fill you in on some of the exciting work being done by the Love of God. Leadership is being raised and empowered. Youth are being baptized. Children and adults in rural villages are receiving healthcare. Students are taking field trips and reaching new heights. Baseball teams are winning and celebrating championships. Moringo is being planted and harvested, and many are learning and living its benefits. The rains are truly bringing NEW LIFE!
“You are all sons of God through faith in Christ Jesus, for all you who were baptized into Christ have clothed yourselves with Christ.”-Galatians 3:26-27
Pastors Walter and Daniel have an incredible gift of leadership. We are so blessed to have them serving with us. We have seen them and their wives take on new leadership roles with open arms. Lord continue to bless them with health, strength, wisdom, and fruit.
Emil is reaching out to each community church with a heart to strengthen marriages and families. In the first week, the pastors and over 15 couples were encouraged in 3 churches.
Without Limits had an amazing time on our field trip to Matagalpa with our students in their 4th and 5th years of high school. We went on adventures, learned about sustainable farming and coffee and ice cream production, worshipped together, and helped them set goals for their futures as they prepare for high school graduation. We are so proud of this incredible group of students!
Congratulations to the three champions of our little league: the Marlins of Candelaria, the Diamondbacks of Cuitanca, and the Blue Jays of Candelaria! They all worked hard throughout the season and will have a well earned rest before getting back to it in July!
Dra. López and our mobile medical team travel to rural communities twice a month to give 35 children medical care and medicine. It is such a blessing to partner with love!
Mario has coached the oldest team in Candelaria, 12 and 13 year olds, for the past two years. During that time he has gone to the capital city of Managua (3 hours away) to receive dialysis every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday while giving practices on Tuesdays and Thursdays and coaching the games on Saturdays. Thank you for your heart to serve and impact the lives of these young men while being an example of perseverance and overcoming difficult circumstances! It was because of days like these in January that led to a day like this in May!
Our sponsorship program, Without Limits, has taken two more field trips. Now all of our 6th and 7th graders from all four communities have had the opportunity to explore Leon and learn about its history.
We loved celebrating the death and resurrection of Christ together with all of our churches on Easter Sunday.
The youth prepared and shared a powerful drama during the service.
Praise be to the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ! In His great mercy He has given us a new birth into a LIVING HOPE through the resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead. -1 Peter 1:3
New Song Mission Nicaragua
Impacting Nicaragua by teaching grace and the New Covenant.