Jean-Carlos is a 12 year old boy who lives with his older brother and single mother, Marcia. In March, he was helping a friend pick oranges, and fell over 15 feet directly on his right hip. The fall broke his pelvis vertically from top to bottom. Doctors installed a metal plate to hold his hip in the proper position and allow the bone to heal. Even with a successful surgery, Jean-Carlos and his mother received good and bad news. The good news was that, in time, he would probably be able to sit up in the future, and the bad news was that he would never walk again.

A prayer and visitation leader from the church, Llaves del Reino, heard about his accident and that he was home recovering. She, Elia, went to visit and found a heartbroken and discouraged son and mother with no hope. She prayed for him and his family and reported to the church. The church decided to have a special service at Jean-Carlos’ house with hopes to encourage the family. The family received the service and were grateful for the visit, but did not become part of the church.

Church members continued to visit, encourage, and pray for Jean-Carlos and his family over the next 9 weeks. During a house visit at the end of May, Jean & his mom accepted Christ. Pastor Daniel asked them if they wanted to become part of the church and attend services, and they said they did. He picked them up twice a week in his truck, and Jean-Carlos rode in the bed of the truck laid down across wooden boards like a stretcher. The church leaders were eager to help him in and out of the vehicle and to be a part of their body.

On May 30, Jean-Carlos and his mom were baptized
alongside 3 other new believers!

In late June, Jean-Carlos was able to sit up some, and they moved him into a wheelchair. He continued coming to the church with his mom and/or friends pushing him in wheelchair. On Monday, July 24 he had a check up and the doctor confirmed that he was healing well, and that he was glad to see him sitting up and able to use a wheelchair this soon. Jean-Carlos told the doctor that he did not want to stay in the wheelchair, and hoped to walk. He asked the doctor if he was allowed to try, and the doctor recommended for him to plan to be in a wheelchair, confirming again that he would not walk.

Jean-Carlos was glad that he was progressing, but still would not accept that he needed a wheelchair for the rest of his life. On Wednesday, August 3 Jean-Carlos was sitting in his house and told his mom he felt strength in his legs, and wanted to attempt to stand up. His mom came close and watched him stand up in his own strength, and Jean-Carlos said I want to take a step. He walked around his living room distributing weight on each leg and was filled with joy. When he woke up the next morning, he told his mom he wanted to go to school, and walked 200 meters to attend class for the first time in almost five months. The church moved their Thursday evening service to the family’s home for a thanksgiving and celebration service.
No truck was needed to transport him.
No wheelchair was required.
There were no chairs setup as a stretcher.
Just a boy, his mom, and his church praising Jesus for another miracle!

Jean Carlos Walks!
Jean-Carlos is a 12 year old boy who lives with his older brother and single mother, Marcia. In March, he was helping a friend pick oranges, and fell over 15 feet directly on his right hip. The fall broke his pelvis vertically from top to bottom. Doctors installed a metal plate to hold his hip in the proper position and allow the bone to heal. Even with a successful surgery, Jean-Carlos and his mother received good and bad news. The good news was that, in time, he would probably be able to sit up in the future, and the bad news was that he would never walk again.
A prayer and visitation leader from the church, Llaves del Reino, heard about his accident and that he was home recovering. She, Elia, went to visit and found a heartbroken and discouraged son and mother with no hope. She prayed for him and his family and reported to the church. The church decided to have a special service at Jean-Carlos’ house with hopes to encourage the family. The family received the service and were grateful for the visit, but did not become part of the church.
Church members continued to visit, encourage, and pray for Jean-Carlos and his family over the next 9 weeks. During a house visit at the end of May, Jean & his mom accepted Christ. Pastor Daniel asked them if they wanted to become part of the church and attend services, and they said they did. He picked them up twice a week in his truck, and Jean-Carlos rode in the bed of the truck laid down across wooden boards like a stretcher. The church leaders were eager to help him in and out of the vehicle and to be a part of their body.
On May 30, Jean-Carlos and his mom were baptized
alongside 3 other new believers!
In late June, Jean-Carlos was able to sit up some, and they moved him into a wheelchair. He continued coming to the church with his mom and/or friends pushing him in wheelchair. On Monday, July 24 he had a check up and the doctor confirmed that he was healing well, and that he was glad to see him sitting up and able to use a wheelchair this soon. Jean-Carlos told the doctor that he did not want to stay in the wheelchair, and hoped to walk. He asked the doctor if he was allowed to try, and the doctor recommended for him to plan to be in a wheelchair, confirming again that he would not walk.
Jean-Carlos was glad that he was progressing, but still would not accept that he needed a wheelchair for the rest of his life. On Wednesday, August 3 Jean-Carlos was sitting in his house and told his mom he felt strength in his legs, and wanted to attempt to stand up. His mom came close and watched him stand up in his own strength, and Jean-Carlos said I want to take a step. He walked around his living room distributing weight on each leg and was filled with joy. When he woke up the next morning, he told his mom he wanted to go to school, and walked 200 meters to attend class for the first time in almost five months. The church moved their Thursday evening service to the family’s home for a thanksgiving and celebration service.
No truck was needed to transport him.
No wheelchair was required.
There were no chairs setup as a stretcher.
Just a boy, his mom, and his church praising Jesus for another miracle!