A Call to Action
$30,000 in 30 days
to expand New Song’s impact

New Song Mission Nicaragua is God’s love and grace expressed for His people.
Our first 15 years have impacted many lives in five communities.
We are displacing the darkness, bringing love, faith, and hope
by teaching and doing what Jesus taught.
New Song’s church leadership is collaborating with our project administrators to mobilize the churches and reach their communities.

Would you consider
giving a gift today
to help us continue…
- To go, visit, pray, and teach the Bible to make disciples of Jesus
- To send medical and dental care to rural areas without access to help, and to offer health education through our radio talk shows
- To educate children and youth from primary to university levels
- To provide food and nutritional supplements nurturing the hungry
- To offer sports ministry and reach the children and youth
- To develop small businesses and provide jobs and income
- To help US mission teams experience life & ministry in Nicaragua
- To care for the pastors’ personal health so that they are able to serve their churches, communities, and future believers

In order to continue impacting these lives we need $30,000.00 in the next 30 days, to fully fund this quarter.
If you desire to give to our ministry

30 Day Challenge
A Call to Action
$30,000 in 30 days
to expand New Song’s impact
New Song Mission Nicaragua is God’s love and grace expressed for His people.
Our first 15 years have impacted many lives in five communities.
We are displacing the darkness, bringing love, faith, and hope
by teaching and doing what Jesus taught.
New Song’s church leadership is collaborating with our project administrators to mobilize the churches and reach their communities.
Would you consider
giving a gift today
to help us continue…
In order to continue impacting these lives we need $30,000.00 in the next 30 days, to fully fund this quarter.
If you desire to give to our ministry