Tommy Gable is the President and Director of Church Activities of New Song Mission Nicaragua. He was born in Charlotte, NC in June of 1951. As a boy, Tommy would visit the homes of his parents’ good friends Cam Townsend of Wycliffe Translators and Bob and Louis Snyder who were missionaries with Wycliffe. He would listen to stories about their work on the mission field and was especially captivated by stories of the different countries in South America. Little did he know the Lord would be calling him to minister in Central America many years later.
In March of 1973, Tommy became a Christian and was trained and spent 30 years planting and leading churches in North Carolina and one in Florida. In January, 2002 he visited a very rural, impoverished area of Nicaragua for the first time and knew that he was being called to come back. He was affected by the physical poverty but even more so by the spiritual poverty of many of the people he met. Some were still subject to witchcraft, superstitions, and a very legalistic form of Christianity where not even salvation was understood. Tommy is now a leader working here and training pastors and church leaders to start New Covenant churches in rural communities. He is now rejoicing as he sees pastors understand the Scriptures and then lead their own congregations into the glorious grace of our Lord Jesus.
Tommy loves seeing local pastors plant churches in different communities and seeing people set free from superstitions, legalism and lies as they begin to understand the Christianity of the New Covenant. The more they understand, their lives are transformed by the power of the Holy Spirit.