We at New Song Clinic feel super grateful as we reflect on how, once again, God has provided for the clinic during these uncertain times, so that we can continue to serve our people in a completely different, but important manner.
With your generous partnership, our Annual Clinic Fundraiser was a great success. You all provided $5,155 through Facebook, $6,455 on New Song’s Website, sent $3,050 in checks, and made pledges of $1,850 during the next month for a subtotal of $16,510! Well-Bean Coffee Roasters matched the first $15,000 of your donations.
Thank you for giving $1,510 beyond the match, and putting us that much closer to our $50,000 annual goal! We are just $18,490 from reaching our 2020 goal. Your first fruits were providing 150 families with a care package that encouraged them, and reminded them you are with them and love them. It was a huge blessing to see them receive those with thankful hearts and lifted spirits.

This week our orthodontist saw his 15 patients before we close the clinic for two months, with our staff furloughed from medical work, yet packing bags of food and essential care. Tomorrow the staff will pack up all medicines and valuables to store in the mission base, where we have guards to protect them.
Their first new project will be to create and print Mother’s Day cards for the mothers of our church communities, buy provisions, and package them to give to our pastors, who will distribute them. Our pastors have divided their members among the leadership of each church for distribution, practicing social distancing. We have purchased the needed medicine to maintain the health of our leadership and treat COVID-19 related infections to prepare to help as many as we can.
Education has been our first challenge; everything about sheltering at home and social distancing is SOOOO counter-cultural! Besides that, the strong deception of the government’s propaganda, saying that they do not have Covid19, has made it difficult to get them to adhere to safety precautions, until people started dying.

The pastors have now stretched beyond their comfort zone on a virtual platform. They are utilizing their young people who have created internet groups, organizing prayer and care for the members. They are now sheltering at home but encouraging the body through teaching, music, and prayer. We believe that God will protect and heal His people by faith as they encourage one another to walk fearlessly and with wisdom. Our prayer is that Nicaragua will overcome this pandemic, and come out of it closer to God and unified with one another.
Thank you for the super important part that you have played to help the clinic not only survive this plague, but to have the means to bless and provide for our furloughed staff. You have allowed them the privilege to continue to serve the communities with much needed food and medicine. We are blessed to have trustworthy networks of leadership, organized to distribute the supplies, you have helped to provide covertly and safely.

We will keep you updated and we pray for you all, as we ask that you continue to pray for us. We are all part of Christ’s body, caring for each other in love. Thank you and may God bless, provide, and protect you. He is at work drawing us all closer to Him and each other! |
With your generous partnership, our Annual Clinic Fundraiser was a great success. You all provided $5,155 through Facebook, $6,455 on New Song’s Website, sent $3,050 in checks, and made pledges of $1,850 during the next month for a subtotal of $16,510! Well-Bean Coffee Roasters matched the first $15,000 of your donations.
Thank you for giving $1,510 beyond the match, and putting us that much closer to our $50,000 annual goal! We are just $18,490 from reaching our 2020 goal. Your first fruits were providing 150 families with a care package that encouraged them, and reminded them you are with them and love them. It was a huge blessing to see them receive those with thankful hearts and lifted spirits.
This week our orthodontist saw his 15 patients before we close the clinic for two months, with our staff furloughed from medical work, yet packing bags of food and essential care. Tomorrow the staff will pack up all medicines and valuables to store in the mission base, where we have guards to protect them.
Their first new project will be to create and print Mother’s Day cards for the mothers of our church communities, buy provisions, and package them to give to our pastors, who will distribute them. Our pastors have divided their members among the leadership of each church for distribution, practicing social distancing. We have purchased the needed medicine to maintain the health of our leadership and treat COVID-19 related infections to prepare to help as many as we can.
Education has been our first challenge; everything about sheltering at home and social distancing is SOOOO counter-cultural! Besides that, the strong deception of the government’s propaganda, saying that they do not have Covid19, has made it difficult to get them to adhere to safety precautions, until people started dying.
The pastors have now stretched beyond their comfort zone on a virtual platform. They are utilizing their young people who have created internet groups, organizing prayer and care for the members. They are now sheltering at home but encouraging the body through teaching, music, and prayer. We believe that God will protect and heal His people by faith as they encourage one another to walk fearlessly and with wisdom. Our prayer is that Nicaragua will overcome this pandemic, and come out of it closer to God and unified with one another.
Thank you for the super important part that you have played to help the clinic not only survive this plague, but to have the means to bless and provide for our furloughed staff. You have allowed them the privilege to continue to serve the communities with much needed food and medicine. We are blessed to have trustworthy networks of leadership, organized to distribute the supplies, you have helped to provide covertly and safely.
We will keep you updated and we pray for you all,
as we ask that you continue to pray for us.
We are all part of Christ’s body, caring for each other in love.
Thank you and may God bless, provide, and protect you.
He is at work drawing us all closer to Him and each other!