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In 2019, Pastor Daniel has been focusing his attention on equipping the members of the church; to see the needs of their community, to go where they are and love them in simple, practical ways. He dreams of the people becoming a force, moved by God’s grace; to bring His love to others, to effectively connect them to Jesus Christ and to see lives, families and communities transformed. “Lets work together to see God’s goodness and love transform and develop communities of life, hope and light!”

Pastor Daniel likes to do things that are simple, needed and practical to sow love in the hearts of those in his community. His focus is to see God’s movement in these hearts. His spirit is crying out to see miracles in response to their faith and for them to Know God’s love and power intimately.

$2,000.00 Feeding 30 Children 2-Weekly
$ 850.00 Men Street/Addiction Ministry
$ 800.00 Emergency Benevolence Hunger
$ 550.00 Emergency Benevolence Health
$ 500.00 Youth Ministry

$ 4,700.00 2022 KEYS TO KINGDOM Total

As the pastor, I feel honored that the Lord chose me to serve in these beautiful communities of Fe & Esperanza and El Valle. Our church is located exactly in the center of these two communities making us accessible for an even greater impact. God has planted a passion in my heart to help families and reach them for Christ. I could not do this alone, God started it with me, and developed it through my family from there. My wife, Xiomara, and our three children ages 28, 26, and 17 are dedicated to this wonderful ministry. I consider it a great victory to have my family working together to reach families where God has placed us. I have seen many pastors without the support of their spouses and children, unfortunately the majority of pastors in Nicaragua operate this way. Last year God showed me with more clarity what He wanted from us as a church, and helped give me more focus.